TELESTIL L’ESCALA is a family business with more than 20 years history and a store in L’Escala. We sell and provide technical service for TVs, antennas, professional sound, Hi-Fi, video intercoms, CCTV, electronics, small appliances…



Quality & Experience

In Telestil we offer you quality equipment and Technical Service in Electronics, Telecommunications & Sound..


We are Professional

Closed Circuit TV (CCTV). – Community & individual aerials, parabolic & terrestrial.
Intercom systems, video intercom and intercommunication.
Telecommunication equipment.
Environmental sound and PA system.
Professional audio.


a L’ESCALA (Girona)

In Telestil we want to solve all your queries, as well as inform you of the new technologies. Visit us in our shop located in 76, Pintor Joan Massanet St. in L’Escala.

Do you need a quotation?

Please click on the Contact button and send us your contact details.
We will call you!

customer reviews..

Professionalitat, bona atenció i preus ajustats al mercat.

Francesc C.

Empresa de confiança i amb una llarga trajectòria a L’Escala

Míriam F.

Molt contenta amb el tracte i la feina feta

Valerie R.

Carrer del Pintor JOAN MASSANET, 76 (L’ESCALA – Alt Empordà – Costa Brava)